Sachet Filling And Sealing Machine

Sachet Filling And Sealing Machine

Sachet filling and sealing machines automate the bag forming, filling and sealing process to a precise size. These machines are also capable of printing dates, registration marks and logos. They can also punch holes for wall display.

Film is pulled from the reel and moved into the sachet-forming cube by either a film transport belt or jaws that grab the film.


Sachets are a great alternative to small bottles and jars for granular or powdered products. Sachets are more lightweight and can be easily shipped. They are also easier to open. This is a benefit for customers who are trying to minimize waste. A sachet is the perfect size for small products like salt, sugar, grain, seeds and spice rubs.

The sachet machine fills the sachet with the product. The sachet is sealed at the top and bottom. The sachet is then passed to a conveyor system for packaging and transportation. The Sachet Filling And Sealing Machine sachet can be customized with additional features, including a tear-notch or color ribbon printing.

Some sachet filling machines have registration sensors that monitor the position of the registration mark and can prevent the film from drifting in the forming section. They also have pull belts that provide force for pulling the film. This can help ensure the proper placement of the end seal and cutting of the sachet.

Most sachet filling and sealing machines are easy to operate. They do not require advanced engineering or technical expertise. Some are even portable, making them a good choice for small businesses. However, you should choose a sachet machine that can handle your product specifications and factory space availability. It should also have a simple design that can be operated by inexperienced workers.


Sachet machines are designed to work with a number of different materials and products. This is why they are categorized into various types such as Liquid Sachet Packaging Machines, Powder Sachet Packaging Machines, Paste Sachet Packaging Machines, Granules Sachet Packaging Machines, Tea Sachet Packaging Machines, etc. These types are used for the packaging of many industrial products such as brown sugar, ketchup, sauces, spices, coffee, and more.

The process begins with the unwinding of a roll of film material from the core at the back of the machine. This is aided by transport belts and dancer arms that prevent the film from drifting while it’s unwinding. A printer can also be attached to this section to print dates, registration marks, logos, and infomercials on the film.

Next, the film moves to the forming station where it wraps around a sachet shaped tube that has a curved end. Then, Emulsifier Supplier seal bars bind the sides of the sachet together while vertical and horizontal jaws seal the bottom and top of the package.

After the sachet has been shaped, it is filled with the desired product through a feeding unit such as a volumetric cup or auger filler. Then, the sachet is sealed at the top with hot seal jaws. This seals the sachet and makes it ready for the next one to be produced on the packaging line.


A sachet sealing machine can produce 30-60 sachets per minute. It combines the bag forming, printing and sealing processes into one automated operation. This makes it a versatile and efficient packaging solution for powders, granules, and liquids. It can also print sachet labels that provide information on the ingredients and instructions to the consumer. This allows sachets to become an effective marketing tool. Its features include laser tear notches and simplistic filling systems.

Sachet machines come in a variety of shapes and sizes. Some have a single seal while others have multiple seals. These sachet sealing machines can also print dates, registration marks, logos, and infomercials on the package. They can even be programmed to change the shape and size of sachets depending on the customer’s requirements.

The sachet sealing process begins with the unwinding of the film. Optical sensors detect the position of the film on the transport belt and keep it centered. Then, a series of brake rollers move up and down to apply regular pressure and maintain constant tension on the film. This mechanism helps to ensure that the sachets are perfectly centered and correctly cut, which leads to an accurate and consistent seal.

Problems with a sachet sealing machine can be due to several factors, including improper setting of the sealing bar and contamination in the area around the seal. These problems can cause seepage of the product inside the sachet during retorting or storage.


When the sachet is ready to be sent out, it goes through a system that cuts it and places it into a carton. This system will also eject any empty sachets from the machine and prevent them from falling out in transit so that they don’t get damaged. Some systems also include a system that saves the name of the client that you’re packaging for and their pouch dimensions so that when you select it, the sachet filling process starts automatically.

The next stage is the printing section, which prints dates, batch numbers, logos, and infomercials on the film. After the printing station, the film moves to the sachet-forming section. Here, a series of brake rollers move the film up and down to prevent it from shifting and keep it under constant tension. The sachet-forming section forms the film into a conical tube that has opposite ends that meet at a vertical seal.

The sachet-forming machine can be configured to do different packaging styles, including three-side and four-side sealed sachets. It can also do string and pillow sachets, depending on the product. Once the sachet is formed, it’s sealed with a hot-sealing jaw and then cut off at the top using a sharp knife. The sachet is then transported to a conveyor or carton system for distribution.