RFID Wristband – Streamline Your Event With a RFID Wristband

RFID Wristband – Streamline Your Event With a RFID Wristband

A RFID Wristband is a touchless way of identifying event attendees without having to fumble through their personal belongings. It can also be used to make payments.

This cashless system can boost revenue in various ways – from online top ups, to reduced queues at bars, and sponsorship opportunities. But its most valuable asset is the analytics it provides.

1. Streamlined Entry Procedures

With 58 percent of attendees citing long lines as their top event frustration, streamlining entry is critical to maximizing attendee event satisfaction. RFID eliminates the need to scan tickets, and it can automatically handle re-entry for multi-day events or give guests access to multiple zones within an event (like VIP).

While barcodes require the ticket to be positioned correctly to read, RFID wristbands allow readers to easily scan them from any angle. They are also more water resistant and can withstand the elements better than paper tickets or laminated cards.

Besides facilitating faster entrance, RFID wristbands enable fans to connect in new ways with your brand and each other during the event. They can link their phones, social media profiles, and wallets to their wristbands before the festival and use them to make contactless payments for merchandise and drinks throughout the day.

In the post-pandemic world, RFID wristbands are a smart way to avoid the spread of germs and viruses. Because they are touchless, they reduce the amount of bacteria that is transferred between employees and clients, patients in healthcare settings, or visitors to clean rooms and refrigerated areas.

2. Reduced Queues

Chances are you’ve seen RFID in action at a top music festival with attendees sporting their wristbands like badges of honor. But this wireless event technology isn’t just for festivals—it can be used for all kinds of events to delight attendees with shorter queues and more interactive experiences.

The most obvious benefit of integrating RFID into your event is that long queues are eliminated at key points of entry and exit. With 58 percent of event attendees citing long lines as their biggest frustration, shortening these queues can have a positive impact on overall attendee event satisfaction.

With RFID, your attendees RFID Wristband can just tap their wristband to check-in and be granted access to the venue. This reduces the need for them to fumble through their pockets, allowing you to get the doors open faster and start the fun sooner.

Additionally, your attendees can choose to add their payment data to their RFID wristbands before the event. This means that they don’t need to keep their ticket or cash on them throughout the entire event, which makes it even easier for them to spend more money with you.

3. Increased Attendee Satisfaction

With 58 percent of attendees reporting long line as their biggest event frustration, streamlined entry with RFID can significantly improve your attendee satisfaction. In addition, the cashless system reduces queues at bars and allows you to offer personalised promotions that generate loyalty and boost ticket sales.

The wristbands also allow your guests to expand their network by clicking on a heart-shaped button to instantly share all their social media profile details with other RFID wearers. In music festivals, for example, this can be used to connect people who would like to stay in touch post the event.

RFID technology gives you crucial data on past events that can help you plan your next one efficiently. You will be able to predict the number of entrances and exits, food vendors, sessions and seats needed. All of which can be teased and marketed to increase your ticket sales and ROI. You can even get insights on the average wait time for each check-in. Passive RFID tags are powered by the energy churned out by the reader and do not have a built-in battery.

4. Increased Revenue

Many gyms and leisure facilities use RFID wristbands to track the usage of equipment, such as cardio machines or weights. They also enable guests to pay for their drinks and food at the bar without having to queue or have desfire ev2 a cashier on site. This enables a more seamless and enjoyable experience, which ultimately increases revenue.

Attendees are increasingly seeking a comprehensive, convenient and digitised experience. Event planners can take advantage of this by enabling online ticket top-up and 100% cashless events, which has already become a festival norm. This reduces the demand on staff allowing them to focus on customer service and reducing queueing times.

Having a digitised payment system also eliminates the risk of staff theft and provides a clear audit trail for every transaction. This makes it easier for sponsors to engage with attendees and helps you attract new sponsors for future events.

5. Reduced Fraud

With RFID wristbands, there is less of a chance for fraud. Each wristband is uniquely coded and cannot be copied or duplicated like traditional tickets, eliminating the possibility of fraud and lost passes. They can be locked using an adhesive closure or snap-closure, depending on project requirements, to prevent the wristband from being removed and re-used.

In addition, event organisers can use RFID to monitor attendance and gain valuable data about their attendees. For example, they can track which attractions are attracting more guests or which food and beverage (F&B) items are selling more than others to optimise their revenue streams.

RFID wristbands can also be used for photo opportunities or social media check-ins that engage attendees and generate buzz around the event. This is possible because RFID wristbands can be scanned from all angles unlike barcode, which requires the tag to be positioned in a certain way for scanning. The result is an event experience that is more immersive and engaging for the attendee. It also reduces the time spent in queues and increases the chances for people to see their favourite performers sooner.