High Speed PCB Requires Special Attention to Components and Traces

High Speed PCB Requires Special Attention to Components and Traces

High speed pcb requires special attention to components and traces. For example, you need to keep the distance between traces to reduce their susceptibility to noise.

It is also important to place analog components (if any) on a separate GND polygon and away from digital traces and components to avoid EMI issues. Also, create enough space for length tuning to reduce impedance discontinuities.


Electromagnetic interference is a common issue in PCBs, but it can be minimized with proper design and engineering. Proper shielding, filtering and grounding can all help reduce EMI. It is also important to separate analog and digital circuits, and keep traces as short as possible to prevent signal interference.

High speed signals have very different impedance characteristics than lower frequency signals, and these differences can lead to issues like reflection and ringing. These problems can cause RF energy to radiate from the board and interfere with other components or devices. Signal termination strategies help to mitigate these issues by matching the impedance of the source and destination.

It’s also critical to make sure that your board is designed to handle high speed pcb high-speed signals, and to pay attention to PCB layer stack up design, component placement and routing. For example, differential pairs should be routed to a single edge of the board, and you should use plated PCB edges to ensure that power and ground planes are decoupled.

Finally, it’s essential to test your PCB to ensure that it meets EMC standards. A good EMC test will show you if your board is generating or absorbing unwanted electromagnetic noise and whether it is causing interference in other devices. If your PCB has any issues, you can address them before the prototype stage by implementing filters and other techniques.


Whether your circuit board is high-speed or not, it needs to have a good layer stack design. Choosing the right materials and stackup can help preserve signal integrity, reduce noise and other electrical problems, and ensure that your board meets EMI/EMC requirements.

The first step in the stackup process is to decide on the number of layers and thicknesses that you need for your board. This will be driven by the component lead size and fanout, as well as functional requirements. Once you have these in mind, it is easier to approach things like layer count and dielectric/core material.

There are many different laminate materials available, and the selection of these will depend on your board’s specific requirements. For example, FR4 may be an excellent choice for low-layer-count boards, but it might not meet your needs for high-speed or RF applications. For these reasons, it is important to consult with your fab house early in the design process to determine what stackup options are available and how to best proceed.

You should also consider how you plan to use your board, as this will determine what type of layer structure you need High-Speed PCB Supplier and the corresponding copper thickness. It is important to note that if you need to use mechanical buried vias, you will need to stagger them across multiple layers in order to prevent crosstalk between signals. This will increase the manufacturing process stages and span, but it is an essential part of a high speed design.

Signal Routing

This is a delicate area in high speed PCB design, and one that must be taken seriously. When a signal doesn’t travel as it should, it can cause problems with the circuit. This includes issues like delays, crosstalk, and reflections. These issues can have a huge impact on the overall performance of your system and can even result in a faulty product. To avoid these problems, you must consider a number of different factors when routing your signals.

The first thing to consider is the length of the track. This is important because a track with the wrong impedance can cause signal reflections, which will decrease your working frequency and create EMI. To avoid this, you should use a field solver utility to determine the correct trace length for your circuit.

Another important factor is the location of ground planes. It’s important to place these in layers adjacent to your impedance controlled traces so that they can provide a consistent return path for the signals. You should also avoid gaps or splits in these ground planes, which can cause impedance discontinuities and EMI.

You should also avoid using right-angle bends in your traces, as these can increase the inductance and capacitance values of the tracks. You should instead choose round-bend routing to minimize these effects. This can be done by replacing the straight segments of your traces with two 45-degree bent segments.


Vias are an essential component of multilayer PCBs, providing designers with the ability to connect signal traces between layers. This enables faster data transmission and allows for closer component placement, which leads to smaller form factor devices. However, it’s important to keep in mind that vias can also cause impedance problems if they are not properly designed.

To minimize impedance issues, it is best to use the standard via types that are provided by your board manufacturer. These vias are capped and coated, which reduces their impact on signal path capacitance and inductance. It’s also important to make sure that the vias you use are drilled in the right location on the PCB. For example, it’s a good idea to place them in the center of a pad for surface mount components and devices. This will prevent leakage of the solder coat into the via holes.

When using vias in high-speed circuits, it’s important to make sure they are correctly sized. Large via holes can increase parasitic capacitance and inductance, which will lead to signal delay and poor signal quality. In addition, it’s a good idea to keep the distance between each via to a minimum, as this will help prevent overheating and power losses. Finally, it’s important to ensure that all of the vias on a board have the same GND polygon potential. This will help avoid overheating and allow for better signal transfer between the traces on the board.