High Speed PCB Design Considerations

high speed pcb

High Speed PCB Design Considerations

High speed pcb design requires special considerations to avoid signal noise. These considerations include PCB layer stackup design and routing. In addition, the use of high speed components is important. These can include Rogers, Isola, Dupont, and Panasonic’s Megtron materials.

It’s impossible to trace all interfaces on a single layer, so you have to use vias to move them to different layers. However, you must avoid over populated vias.

Controlled Impedance Circuits

High speed PCBs often need to route signals that require a controlled impedance value. This process is very important to ensure that the circuit performs as intended. It is also a good way to avoid unintended stray capacitance called parasitics, which can degrade signal performance and lead to circuit instability and electromagnetic interference (EMI).

The first step in controlling impedance is to determine the value of the impedance of each track. This can be done by calculating the resistance, inductance, and capacitance of the circuit using various parameters, such as the size of the trace, its thickness, and the dielectric constant of the material. This information can then be encoded as a set of design rules in routing tools.

It is very important that the traces with controlled impedance be clearly differentiated from other traces on the board. This will allow the manufacturer to quickly locate them and make appropriate changes if needed. For example, if the designer requires a certain trace width to achieve a particular impedance, it will be impossible for them to meet this requirement if they have already routed other traces of that width. To eliminate this problem, the controlled impedance traces should be at least 5.1 or 4.9 mils wide.

Another key factor in controlling impedance is the placement of ground planes. They should be placed close to the traces, so that they can supply a return path for the signals. Ideally, the layer stack should be constructed so that ground planes are in layers adjacent to the impedance-controlled signals.

Layer Stack-Up

High speed PCBs require careful PCB layout and high speed pcb routing to preserve signal integrity. This includes careful placement of power and ground planes in the layer stack-up, proper termination and EMI management. In addition, the layer-stack must be able to meet the requirements for critical rise times. This is accomplished by a correct definition of the layer stack-up, which must include the appropriate dielectric material and copper thickness.

The selection of the PCB material and layers is a complex task that requires extensive engineering knowledge and experience. This process involves analyzing the requirements of the board, comparing different materials and selecting a material that meets these requirements. The final selection should take into account the board’s temperature profile, reliability requirements, and cost.

Once the PCB material has been selected, the layer stack-up can be defined using various tools and software. These include PCB design tools that provide the ability to prepare the power and ground plane arrangement, calculate impedance profiles, and display PCB material options. These tools and software can also help with the selection of via types and locations.

It is important to consult with the CM at an early stage and discuss their capabilities, as well as their manufacturing capabilities, to ensure that the optimum build-up is implemented. This will reduce the time required to build a prototype and smooth the transition from prototyping to mass production.

Components’ Location

The location of components and signals in a high speed PCB is important. They need to be placed carefully and follow specific rules. For example, you should not place components relating to high speed interfaces close to the edge of the board because this will cause signal reflections and other problems. In addition, you should avoid placing the signals too close to each other, as this can increase noise and distortion.

In a high speed PCB, there are two kinds of signals: analog and digital. Analog signals have a set range of values, while digital signals have a binary value that represents low and high points. In high speed circuits, it is essential to use the correct impedance for each type of signal. This will prevent signal degradation and ensure that the circuit operates at the desired frequency.

Another important consideration is the placement of vias. These are electroplated holes that connect traces on different layers of the board. The size of these vias is important because too small ones can cause interference or overheating. It is also important to note that the GND polygon potential on different layers should be the same, especially near the signal vias (also called stitching vias). This will help ensure that all high speed traces have the same reference. In addition, you should use proper impedance matching and differential pair spacing.


When routing high speed signals on a PCB, vias are an important consideration. The size of a via’s annular ring and the location of the copper in a via can affect signal integrity, especially when a signal is routed over multiple layers. Keeping in mind these basic principles can help you craft a high speed PCB that is both efficient and manufacturable.

Vias are used to connect traces on different planes of the circuit board, and can be categorized into thru-hole vias, blind vias, and buried vias. Each type of via has its merits and drawbacks, and you should choose the right one for your design. For example, blind and buried High-Speed PCB Supplier vias have a higher capacitance than thru-hole vias, but they can also reduce insertion loss.

To avoid unwanted capacitance, it’s best to minimize the distance between a via and a trace. To do this, you can use wide grids for via spacing and avoid placing them too close to a signal. Additionally, you can use decoupling capacitors to reduce impedance.

Another way to improve impedance is to avoid crossing vias at signal edges. This will prevent unwanted reflections and improve signal quality. Finally, you can use back-drilling to reduce the stub length of your vias and decrease capacitance. However, this will require a special drill tool.