High Speed PCB Design

high speed pcb

High Speed PCB Design

High speed PCBs require careful layer stack up design and routing to ensure signal integrity. They also need to be made from special materials that support the high frequencies of these circuit boards. Typical material choices include Dupont, Isola, non-Teflon Rogers products and Panasonic’s Megtron materials.

Component location is another key aspect of high speed circuit layout. You should avoid placing components close to each other if they perform similar functions.

Designing a high speed PCB

When it comes to high speed PCB design, there are a few key considerations to keep in mind. These include component placement, layer stacking, and impedance control. It is also important to consider the layout of the circuit board and how it will handle signal integrity. In addition, it is a good idea to work with a reputable manufacturer as soon as possible to ensure that the design can be manufactured efficiently.

In high-speed PCBs, signals travel along lengths of copper traces to reach a destination. These signals can be either analog or digital. An analog signal is a representation of a number, while a digital signal is a bit sequence. If these signals don’t arrive at their destinations at the correct time, they may experience interference that results in distorted data.

To reduce the effects of signal interference, designers should avoid long traces and use differential pairs when possible. They should also minimize the use of vias, as these can increase parasitic capacitance and inductance. Furthermore, they should pay attention to the length of the traces and the distance between them. This will help to eliminate impedance discontinuities and improve signal quality.

Component location

The location of components on a high speed PCB is critical for maintaining signal integrity. This is because higher-speed signals require more precise timing to reach their destinations without being distorted. This is especially important when the board is running at speeds greater than 50 MHz.

To avoid signal integrity issues, it is important to follow the PCB schematic diagram closely for component placement. This includes the placement of bypass capacitors to minimize noise and high speed pcb power supply pin locations to ensure they can deliver their intended function. It is also important to route tracks of high speed interfaces over a solid GND plane. It is recommended to use field solver utilities to tune traces’ lengths for high speed routing.

Moreover, you should avoid placing components relating to high speed interfaces close to the edges of the PCB as this will negatively affect the signal quality. Instead, you should place them in the center of the board leaving connectors at the edges. This way, you can minimize the interference and increase the signal quality. Additionally, you should avoid putting traces over polygon-splits because this can cause extra EMI and signal propagation delays.


The via on a high speed PCB is a critical component, and its location and shape can have significant effects on the signal path. Vias are tiny conductive paths that establish electrical connections between different layers of the board. They are also used to connect traces and pads on the board. There are several types of vias, including through, blind, and buried vias. Each type has its own characteristics and is designed for specific circuitry needs.

The most common problem associated with vias in high speed PCB design is signal timing. This happens when a signal’s current travels through the copper trace and reflects back to its starting point, which can interfere with other signals. Signal timing can also cause delay in signal transfer, which affects signal integrity.

To avoid this, you can use a “boomerang” via next to the connector via on Layer 1. This reduces the reflection from the connector via and prevents it from causing delays in the signal path. Another technique is to use stitching vias to eliminate EMI problems. Stitching vias connect ground planes near traces to create a Faraday cage effect and prevent other objects on the board from acting as antennas.

Single-ended impedance

When routing high speed signals, it is important to avoid impedance mismatches. This can lead to jitter and signal degradation. The best way to prevent this is to use a PCB design tool that can calculate the impedance of traces. This will ensure that the signal can pass through with minimal wire delay. The tool can also help you optimize your layer stackup and choose the right materials for your high speed PCB.

When designing a high speed PCB, it is important to pay special attention to the power and ground planes. This is because the power and ground planes can affect signal integrity and performance. Keeping the power and ground planes as close to 50 ohms as possible will improve the performance of your circuit.

In addition, it is crucial to keep your traces short. Long traces increase parasitic capacitance and inductance, which can cause degradation of signal integrity. It is also important to use differential pairs to reduce signal noise. This will improve signal transmission and reduce EMI interference. This is especially important for high-speed communication and interface standards.

Differential impedance

Differential impedance on a high-speed PCB is a key factor in signal integrity. Without it, high-speed signals run wild and may not be decoded properly. However, achieving the required differential impedance can be difficult. Various methods are available to ensure that the impedance is controlled throughout the signal path. These include using a symmetrical routing strategy, placing stitching vias on both GND planes, and rotating the image plane by 10deg to 35deg.

Differential signals use two traces with opposing polarity to carry the same data, which reduces electromagnetic emissions and increases immunity against external noise sources. This method High-Speed PCB Supplier also helps eliminate crosstalk between traces. The ideal circuit will have zero impedance between the traces, but real-world PCBs cannot achieve this.

Consequently, differential signals must be routed as close to each other as possible. eCADSTAR provides a number of features to help make this happen, including clean end routing, specific design rules and constraints, and instant copper-plough. It also provides template-based topology control that lets you set length and impedance constraints quickly and easily. Moreover, eCADSTAR recognizes that different signals require different lengths and different impedances.