chemical mixing tank with agitator.1722490855

chemical mixing tank with agitator

Industrial Mixing Tanks With Agitator

Industrial mixing tanks with agitator provide strategic rotary movement that facilitates and optimizes a series of physical processes. These include homogenization of solutions, dispersal of different components and acceleration of chemical reactions.

Aside from facilitating mixing, these industrial agitators also help separate non-miscible liquids and establish consistent flow to promote heat transfer. These are accomplished through a combination of blade designs and baffles or deflectors.


Industrial mixing tanks with agitator work by creating turbulence within the liquid contents of a tank, which helps to ensure even and thorough blending. They also prevent settling and separation of solids from liquids. A variety of different agitator types are available, each offering unique benefits to industrial processes.

The type of agitator selected should be carefully considered based on the tank size and geometry, desired flow pattern and mixing intensity, and fluid viscosity. These factors should be taken into account when determining the agitator’s design and construction, including the type of blades and impellers used.

For example, an anchor agitator uses an impeller that generates a laminar low-shear flow and is suitable for mixing shear-sensitive fluids. Helical ribbon agitators, on the other hand, offer high mixing efficiency and have greater fluid contact surface area than anchor agitators.

A scraper is also commonly used in conjunction with a tank agitator to improve mixing performance. This type of agitator scrapes off any materials that are adhering to the sides of the tank, preventing them from accumulating over time and affecting mixing efficiency.

Stainless steel is the most common material for tank agitators due to its durability and corrosion resistance. However, carbon steel is a less expensive option and can be used in environments where corrosion resistance isn’t a priority. Regular inspection and maintenance is critical to ensuring the proper function of tank agitators, especially the seals. They should be regularly replaced to minimize the risk of leaks or reduced sealing efficiency.


A pump is used to supply energy to the agitator and circulate the chemicals in the tank. The pump must be strong enough to withstand the forces generated by the agitator, and it must also be chemically compatible with the chemicals that will be mixed in the tank. chemical mixing tank with agitator The pump should also be able to transfer heat efficiently so that it does not overheat.

A variety of pumps can be used to power agitators in tanks. A typical option is an electric motor. The motor supplies energy through a gearbox to the shaft, which rotates the unique impeller of the agitator. The impeller design is optimized to generate turbulence and shear in the tank, which promotes effective mixing.

The agitator is often designed with the capability to suspend solids and prevent them from accumulating or settling at the bottom of the tank. Engineers employ fluid dynamics analysis to optimize the agitator for this purpose. The tank size, geometry, and the desired mixing performance are all considered when designing the agitator.

The agitator may also include a scraper. The primary function of the scraper is to remove accumulated materials from the tank wall. This prevents blockages and contamination and improves the efficiency of the agitator. The scraper also helps ensure that the tank is well-mixed. It can be anchored to the agitator or mounted on an external support that is portable, depending on the needs of the industrial process.


The working principle of industrial mixing tanks with agitator revolves around the creation of turbulence to achieve consistent blending and prevent separation of solids from liquids. This is achieved through rotating blades or impellers mounted on a shaft powered by an electric motor. These mixers can be adjusted to vary the level of agitation depending on process demands and product characteristics. For example, paddle mixers offer gentle agitation while maintaining good heat transfer properties, and impellers generate higher shear rates for aggressive mixing. Baffles can also be installed in a tank to redirect the flow of liquid, increasing contact between particles and promoting homogenization.

The location of a chemical mixer within the tank is another factor that impacts performance. The ideal placement of the agitator depends on the shape and size of the vessel, as well as the positioning of the baffles. For example, cylindrical tanks are better suited for solid suspension and drainage because they take up less space than chemical mixing tank supplier rectangular tanks. Baffles are often placed in these tanks to ensure that the agitator does not cause excessive rotational motion or vortexing.

The agitator may be mounted in a number of ways within the tank, but the most common is through the top entry. This is the most commonly used configuration because it allows for quick access to the tank and simplifies cleaning. However, it can result in a large hydraulic load that can damage the agitator shaft and create air pockets. These pockets are detrimental to the mixing process because they can create noise and vibration, which can lead to workplace injuries or hearing loss.

Large Bubble Mixing

A large bubble mixing system is an alternative to agitators that can provide powerful, efficient mixing for your tank. The system uses air to create a series of large bubbles that fight each other for space in the liquid as they rise to the surface. The system can increase the efficiency of your tank and reduce energy use. It can also eliminate the need for additional agitators in your chemical tank.

Unlike geyser pumps of significant height, the large bubble mixer has a lower profile and can be installed in a variety of settings. It can be used in lagoons, concrete basins, and tanks. The lower profile design can also reduce the amount of sludge and other solid buildup that can occur.

The large bubble mixing system can be coupled to a lateral air distribution pipe to supply gas for the creation of large bubbles. The lateral air distribution pipe may be submerged in the liquid or floating on the surface of the liquid. The large bubbles discharged by the large bubble mixer can be effective in distributing oxygen throughout the treatment zone.

In one embodiment, the large bubble mixer is positioned below and at least partially covered by fine bubble diffusers 50. During this third mode of operation, the wastewater receives the benefit of oxygen transfer provided by the fine bubble diffusers while it is mixed and generally disrupted by the large bubbles discharged from the large bubble mixer.