Benefits of Heavy Copper PCB

heavy copper pcb

Benefits of Heavy Copper PCB

Heavy copper pcb use thicker copper layers than standard PCBs. These thick copper layers can help reduce voltage drop and provide other benefits to your circuit board design.

If you plan to use a heavy copper pcb in your product, it’s important to understand the fabrication process and work with an experienced manufacturer to ensure that your prototype is produced accurately and efficiently.

High Current-Carrying Capacity

The high current-carrying capacity of heavy copper pcb is the main reason it’s heavy copper pcb preferred for power electronics applications. It allows for the circuit board to handle higher current levels without overheating, and also dissipate heat more effectively.

However, when using heavy copper, PCB manufacturers need to take extra care during the fabrication process. This is because the etching process can cause uneven trace sidewalls and unacceptable undercutting in some cases. Fortunately, advances in plating technology have made it possible for PCB manufacturers to fabricate boards with heavy copper with straight and smooth sidewalls.

Moreover, PCBs with heavy copper plating can be mixed with standard features on the same circuit board. This makes it easier for designers to build powerful and reliable electrical systems that can meet the demands of their project.

For example, it’s possible to combine heavy-current and high-power circuits on the same board. This helps to reduce the layer count and create a dense and compact circuit design, while maintaining a low impedance power distribution. This is especially useful for applications in military and aerospace sectors where efficiency and reliability are crucial.

Better Thermal Management

Printed circuit boards that carry heavy currents will generate heat, and it is important for the PCB to have an efficient heat dissipation system. Using heavy copper allows the board to dissipate this heat quickly and effectively, which protects the electronic components from overheating and reduces the need for external cooling systems. This helps to minimize the size of the circuit board and reduces product cost while maintaining quality and performance.

To help the circuit board better dissipate heat, it is a good idea to use thermal vias that can direct excess heat from critical areas to other locations on the board. This will help to distribute power evenly throughout the board and avoid hot spots. It is also important to avoid concentrating high-power components together and to place them where they will receive the most heat dissipation.

When using a heavy copper pcb, it is crucial to take the thickness of the copper layers into account when designing the board. This is because the etching and plating process will add significantly more copper than with regular PCBs. It is important to design the board with this in mind and consider the current needed, the temperature increment, and the required trace width.

When designing a circuit board with heavy copper, it is recommended to work closely with the PCB manufacturer and specify these details in advance. This will ensure that the board fabricator is aware of these factors and can accommodate them during production.

Increased Durability

While regular copper PCBs can be damaged easily due Heavy Copper PCB Supplier to high heat levels and voltage, heavy copper pcbs are designed to handle harsh environments. They can withstand high temperatures, humidity, shocks and vibrations, making them perfect for use in aerospace applications.

These PCBs are also known for their improved thermal performance and resistance to expansion and contraction. They are also able to resist corrosion and have higher mechanical strength, which makes them ideal for military applications. The increased durability and reliability of these circuit boards make them a great choice for aerospace, automotive, industrial control and solar power applications.

Compared to standard PCBs, heavy copper circuits have greater current-carrying capacity and better thermal management. This is due to the fact that the copper layer on a heavy copper pcb is thicker. The thickness of the copper also results in a reduced board size. These features make it easier to fit more components into a smaller space, which saves time and money during manufacturing.

During the manufacturing process, it’s important to work with an experienced and reliable Printed Circuit Board manufacturer to ensure that the board meets your requirements and quality standards. This is because the manufacturing process of a heavy copper PCB requires more precise engineering. Due to the significant plating thicknesses, it’s important that you plan your design carefully, including adequate trace separations and pad sizes.

Higher Mechanical Strength

Thick copper plating increases the mechanical strength of connector sites and plated-through holes. This means that heavy copper PCBs can withstand more stress, making them a more durable wiring platform. Moreover, their enhanced electrical conductivity and current-carrying capacity also mean that they can handle higher currents.

Heavy copper PCBs can withstand high temperatures and repeated thermal cycles without exhibiting any signs of failure. This is due to the fact that the thicker copper layers have increased cross-sectional areas, allowing them to handle larger amounts of electricity. In addition, the thicker copper plating also helps to dissipate heat better.

This is particularly important when it comes to the use of exotic materials in PCBs, as these materials are usually prone to failure if they are subjected to excessive heat. Using thick copper helps to avoid this problem, which in turn reduces the overall risk of failure.

It is important to note that thicker copper does increase the cost of a PCB. As a result, it is critical that designers plan for this increased manufacturing cost during the design process. Additionally, because the thickness of copper traces can affect signal integrity, it is vital that designers work closely with their fabricators to ensure that they are designing a robust circuit board. This includes ensuring that the correct trace widths are used, as well as establishing an appropriate pad size.