Augmented Reality in Manufacturing Industry

augmented reality in manufacturing industry

Augmented Reality in Manufacturing Industry

Manufacturing is a high-speed industry where precision and quality converge. AR helps streamline these processes by providing remote assistance, improving training, and reducing maintenance downtime.

AR also simplifies the process of creating digital work instructions by using audio cues to supplement 3D projections via a simple interface. This makes the learning process more interactive for employees, resulting in a higher level of skill and comprehension.

Real-time Work Guidance

According to McKinsey, business leaders stand to gain numerous benefits from augmented reality in manufacturing, including greater employee retention augmented reality in manufacturing industry and understanding of processes, scalability of training, more efficient decision-making, better product quality, and reduced costs. AR can also give employees a safe environment to practice and hone their skills without risking equipment or materials.

Augmented reality software like Plutomen Assist helps manufacturers onboard and train their workforce with visual guidance and automated work instructions. This enables employees to bridge knowledge gaps, increase productivity, and improve onboard training for frontline workers and new hires.

Similarly, industrial AR allows for real-time maintenance by providing operators, technicians, and engineers with contextual data and information on equipment performance. This enables them to troubleshoot issues more quickly and reduce production downtime.

In addition, AR can provide a virtual environment to enable safe and effective training for new equipment or machinery. This is especially beneficial for industries with high variability, such as aerospace and defense. With digitized work instructions, AR makes it easy for users to see step-by-step instructions and confirm that the process is followed correctly.

Augmented reality also enables more accurate and faster inventory management, reducing downtime by eliminating the need for manual tracking. For example, with AR software, a warehouse worker can be guided to the exact aisle and shelf where an item is stored – rather than relying on signs and labels.

3D Models

The ability to see 3D models of parts and products in the real world enables better design, training, inspection and maintenance processes. It also helps reduce the risk of human error. Whether they’re working on machinery or building cars, AR helps employees learn the job without having to touch anything and without any safety risks.

CAD models of the products produced by manufacturing companies can be converted into AR applications and displayed on smartphones, tablets or smart glasses to help workers with various tasks. These can include assembly, repair, maintenance and even visual inspection. This can be done through marker-based or markless AR, which doesn’t require a special “tag” to activate.

AR can help reduce assembly errors by overlaying instructions directly onto the work surface. Workers can follow the instructions step by step and avoid misunderstandings or mistakes. In addition, AR can make the process faster by eliminating the need for printouts or paper guides.

AR can also aid visual inspections by superimposing a digital model over a physical product. The technology combines object recognition, machine learning and sensors on the AR ar smart glasses device to detect and identify minute data points, such as holes, cosmetic threads and even thread names, that would otherwise go unnoticed. Manufacturers can then use this information to fix any issues and improve quality.

Enhanced Collaboration

Augmented reality is a key tool for boosting the productivity and efficiency of manufacturing units. It eliminates the need for manuals and documentation, providing employees with access to information that is standardized across departments. This also makes it easier for them to locate the appropriate tools and equipment for a task, reducing search times and error-prone mistakes.

It is also possible to train workers on complex machinery without requiring physical training sessions in an actual factory. AR allows experts from off-site locations to remotely assist on-site technicians with real-time instructions and troubleshooting using a video chat. This is a key benefit during the COVID19 pandemic as it allowed many companies to continue delivering remote assistance and customer service even as they scaled back their staffing levels.

In addition, AR helps make writing work instructions faster and more intuitive. Using software like LightGuide, instructions can be overlayed directly on the equipment and supplemented with audio, visual cues, and other features that improve readability and reduce the time needed to write digital guides.

Moreover, it also helps identify and resolve issues with equipment or processes before they impact production and increase costs by showing trends and patterns through the visual representation of data. This way, manufacturers can quickly spot and fix underlying issues and optimize operations. They can also easily share the data and insights they gather with their teams.

Real-time Maintenance

Manufacturing processes are fast-paced and require high levels of precision. This is a challenge for companies that must deliver prototypes in a short amount of time while following strict quality standards and meeting deadlines for shipment to customers. Augmented reality can help companies accelerate the product development process and improve collaboration between team members in real-time to meet tight deadlines.

Using AR in manufacturing to guide workers through assembly and maintenance procedures can save time and money. By overlaying instructions directly on equipment, technicians can avoid the need to shift their attention between manuals and the task at hand. Additionally, augmented reality can help reduce mistakes by clearly showing employees how to properly handle machinery.

When issues arise during production, it’s critical for manufacturers to be able to troubleshoot them quickly to minimize downtime and costs. AR can provide on-site technicians immediate access to manual processes, cycle times and data gathered from sensors that monitor equipment conditions. This enables them to determine repair requirements and make decisions on the spot.

AR can also be used to remotely collaborate with other technicians in different locations. This can be done in a synchronous way with both groups working at the same time or asynchronously, allowing for a direct flow of information from experts to their teams.