CWDM Module – Coarse Wavelength Division Multiplexing

CWDM Module – Coarse Wavelength Division Multiplexing

CWDM is an ideal solution for enhancing network capacity and improving data transmission efficiency. CWDM supports a wide variety of protocols and data rates.

With a standardized wavelength grid, CWDM is easily scalable. It can support multiple signals and protocols simultaneously on a single optical fiber. It also enables longer fronthaul distances.

Low insertion loss

CWDM is a passive fiber-optic technology that allows multiple signals of different rates and wavelengths to be simultaneously transmitted over the same optical fiber. Its advantage lies in its incomparable flexibility for data transmission, which is capable of supporting a variety of protocols. It also offers the opportunity to save fiber resources and allow smooth upgrades based on network requirements.

The term “coarse” in the name of CWDM refers to the wider space between wavelength channels, as compared to the tighter spacing of DWDM wavelengths. As a result, CWDM is more cost-effective than DWDM and requires fewer components, including uncooled lasers that are less expensive to maintain. Moreover, CWDM does not require Optical Line Amplifier (OLA) for each wavelength channel, which significantly reduces the overall system power consumption.

At the receiving end, a terminal de-multiplexer separates the multi-wavelength optical signal into individual cwdm-module-coarse-wavelength-division-multiplexing data signals for client-layer systems to receive and process. The de-multiplexed signal can then be relayed over a separate fiber to the customer’s site, where it is converted back into its original digital form.

Flyin Optronics’ CWDM Mux/Demux utilizes thin film coating technology and proprietary design of non-flux metal bonding micro optics packaging. This provides low insertion loss, high channel isolation, wide pass band, low temperature sensitivity and epoxy free optical path. The device is available in both bare-die and module configurations and a full range of wavelengths are offered.

Higher spectral efficiency

Coarse wavelength division multiplexing (CWDM) is a cost-effective way to increase the capacity of existing optical fiber infrastructure. It uses a wider channel spacing than DWDM, meaning that more wavelengths can be transmitted over the same fiber optic cable. This makes it ideal for network upgrades that require additional capacity over short distances.

CWDM systems can use passive hardware components, which are cheaper and more energy-efficient than DWDM solutions. Its simpler equipment requirements also mean that it can support different protocols, allowing for both voice and data to be transported over the same link. It is commonly used in point-to-point topology systems, enterprise networks, and telecom access networks.

It is a good option for broadband providers that want to deliver fibre to the premises, or FTTP, as it can transmit up to 18 channels over the same line. It can also be used to connect data centres in a city or metropolitan area.

The CWDM system consists of three main components: the transponder, Mux/Demux, and optical amplifiers. The transponder converts data packets into the appropriate wavelengths for transmission over the fiber. The Mux/Demux then combines the different signals into a single optical signal, which is sent over the fiber to its destination. The optical amplifiers amplify the signal to allow it to travel longer distances. The add/drop modules either drop or pass a particular wavelength, depending on the needs of the network.

Lower power consumption

CWDM is ideal for businesses that need a cost-effective way to increase the capacity of existing fibre networks. The technology supports 18 channels with wavelengths ranging from 1270 to 1610 nm, which is wider than the channel spacing used in dense WDM (DWDM). The CWDM modules perform two important functions: filtering and multiplexing and demultiplexing. The filtered signals are then combined and transmitted on the same fiber link. This allows for higher data transfer rates over a single fiber and reduces the number of connections required.

This technology is particularly useful in metropolitan area networks where bandwidth capacity needs to be increased. It also enables the transmission of different protocols, including Ethernet, Fibre Channel, and SONET/SDH. Unlike DWDM, CWDM systems are simpler and cheaper to deploy and operate. They do not require precise temperature control and complex optical amplification. Moreover, they can work over standard ITU-T G.652 single-mode fibre, resulting in lower overall system costs.

While CWDM offers an economical way to expand the capacity of existing optical networks, it cannot transmit data over long distances. This is because CWDM transmissions have a relatively wide wavelength gap of 20 nm, which may cause signal attenuation over longer distances. To overcome this problem, CWDM signals can be amplified by using EDFA devices. However, if you need to connect locations over several miles, a DWDM solution would be more suitable.

Lower cost

Like dense wavelength division multiplexing (DWDM), CWDM transports multiple services in one fiber. But CWDM equipment requires less optical signal amplification than DWDM, and the wavelength spacing is larger, which allows for cheaper components. This makes CWDM the ideal choice for metro networks, where optical transmission spans are shorter and capacity is tighter.

In fact, in a recent Light Reading Webinar poll, 67 percent of respondents predicted that four CWDM multimode fiber optic cable assemblies channels of 10 Gbit/s each would be the most cost-effective way to carry 40 Gbit/s on a pair of metro fibers within a few years. That shouldn’t be surprising, as CWDM is well-suited to the demand for higher bandwidth at the metro access and enterprise network edges.

CWDM is already widely used in the metro-area network to carry several different services over existing fiber. This is accomplished by using passive devices, such as couplers and splitters, to expand the number of endpoint connections on an existing link. This approach also reduces the cost of the point-to-point connectivity to end users.

In addition, CWDM can provide additional capacity on routes with fiber exhaustion by adding low-cost CWDM upgrade channels. And the technology can also be used to support hybrid services, such as T1 over fiber and 10GbE on the same link, by using a hybrid CWDM/DWDM muxponder. These upgrades will help to increase the life of current infrastructure and increase the speed at which services can be delivered.