Add Flavor to Your Dairy Products With Milk Flavor Extract

Add Flavor to Your Dairy Products With Milk Flavor Extract

Milk Flavor Extract is a great way to add milk-based flavor to your dairy products. It’s a natural solution that won’t compromise the taste of your products or create off-flavors.

A typical fresh milk flavour is a blend of several aroma ingredients including lactones, acids, aldehydes, alcohols, esters, and sulphur compounds. These components are sensitive to heat treatment.


In the market, flavored milks are a growing segment in the dairy industry. Flavored milks offer a different experience in flavor and color to consumers. They are often used to encourage children to drink milk and are also found in school milk programs. Milk can be flavored with cocoa powder, coffee, fruit juice, and even “cajeta,” a traditional Mexican confection. Many of these milk drinks are stabilized with a thickening agent to prevent the proteins from coagulating and with an emulsifier to reduce the tendency of the fat globules to rise.

The creation of a milk flavor was studied through olfaction and sensory analysis. The key notes of a milk flavor were identified and aroma ingredients were selected to blend into the desired milk taste profile. This approach led to the development of a harmonious milk flavor.

Our natural milk flavor extract is made with water soluble compounds that are on the FDA’s Generally Recognized as Safe list, and is certified vegan and kosher. This powdered flavor ingredient can be incorporated into instant mixes of all kinds, and is ideal for recipes Milk Flavor Extract that require a smooth dairy taste. For example, it can be dissolved into milk-based iced teas, hot chocolates, or even savory dips and dressings. It can even be used in recipes that call for dry milk or non-dairy liquids, as it will add the necessary mouthfeel of those types of formulations.


Whether you are working with a dairy product that needs to stay fresh for a long shelf-life or want to bring out the smooth flavor of milk in a dry ingredient recipe, Bickford Flavors has the perfect flavors. Our vegan and kosher milk flavors are designed to add the essential elements of milk that elevate your recipes from ordinary to extraordinary.

Using sensory and instrumental techniques, the effects of packaging atmosphere and storage temperature on the quality of whole milk powder (WMP) were evaluated over 1 yr. Sensory evaluation was performed using a trained panel, and volatile analysis (gas chromatography/mass spectrometry) was used to monitor changes in milk flavor over time.

WMP was packaged in plastic laminate pouches sealed with air or nitrogen, and stored at 2degC or 23degC. Sensory evaluations and volatile measurements indicated that packaging atmosphere significantly affected the milk aroma and cooked flavor, while storage temperature influenced only the raw and milk-chocolate flavours of WMP. The ethanolic extracts of Moringa stenopetale and Artemesia anua were proven to be effective preservatives in WMP, increasing its shelf-life by up to 3 mo.

Shelf-stable milk can help to extend the lifespan of dairy products and save on waste. However, the shelf-life of dairy depends on many factors, including its type and how it is handled. The Department of Food Science at Cornell University suggests that the simplest way to test if a bottle of milk has gone bad is to smell it; if it doesn’t stink, it should still be safe to drink.


In milk products, the taste and flavour are strongly influenced by production, processing and storage conditions. Fresh milk has a subtle but characteristic clean and distinctive dairy taste which is mainly due to the presence of lactose, fat globules, colloidal proteins and volatile constituents. It also has a pleasant mouth-feel and a balanced ratio of sweet and salty elements.

Intense heat treatments such as UHT and sterilisation cause the formation of cooked milk flavour which can influence sensory quality. However, the underlying mechanisms have not been fully understood. Recent research has focused on assessing the effects of volatile sulphur components and protein-bound sulphydryl groups on the cooked milk flavour and developing computer models to support the design of flavour optimisation strategies.

Homemade flavored milk is delicious on its own, or used as an ingredient in smoothies or baking recipes. It is a good source of calcium, phosphorus, vitamins C and D (if using a full-fat version), protein and fibre. It can also be a healthy alternative to store-bought milk drinks that are high in sugar and artificial flavors.

It is important to add ingredients slowly and taste in between each addition, until you find the perfect balance. Adding too many ingredients can result in your milk tasting strange and overpowering. Also, some ingredients can change the color of the milk. For example, if you add too much jam or jelly to your milk, it will turn an unattractive pink-red colour.


Milk Flavor Extract is a dairy flavouring for use in products such as drinks and powdered recipes. It is made by combining natural extracts with other ingredients to create the taste of milk. It is available in a variety of forms including liquid, concentrate, or powder. It is perfect for instant mix recipes such as baking mixes and powdered dips or dressings. It can also be used in recipes for ice cream.

Milk flavour is characterized by its clean and refreshing taste with a pleasant mouthfeel. It is derived from the proteins, fats, and sugars in milk. The unique milk flavour Baking Flavoring is influenced by the presence of volatile compounds such as lactones, acids, aldehydes, alcohols, ketones, and esters. It is also influenced by the Maillard reactions which develop sulphydryls and other sulphur compounds with carbohydrates.

The flavour of milk can be manipulated by heat treatment. Heated milk flavour develops mainly from sulphydryls and other volatile sulphur compounds, and the flavour decreases during storage. Sterilised milk flavour, on the other hand, develops from Maillard reactions and develops a pleasant and characteristic smell of cooked milk (Burton, 1985).

One simple way to flavor milk is to boil mint leaves with water, strain it out, and then add the syrup to your milk. You can also combine vanilla and mint for a refreshing drink in the morning.